What Can I Do About Limescale in Pipes and Drains?


Limescale in Pipes and Drains

Hard water can wreak havoc on your home. 你可以采取预防措施来减少水垢积聚造成的损害. But can you do anything to erase the 损害 that is already there? 你怎么样? 固定硬水 损害?

Hard water notoriously 损害s surfaces all over your home. Nothing is safe if it comes into contact with your water. 虽然大多数东西都可以清洗或更换,但管道尤其值得关注. A whole house 软水器 can prevent further 损害, 但如果导致硬水的钙和镁在你的管道中积聚到堵塞或腐蚀的程度, you have a big problem on your hands.

Problems Created by Hard Water in Your Pipes

A variety of problems occur in your pipes due to hard water. 如果你认为你的管道有问题,最好尽早解决它. A hard water problem that is left to fester can lead to bigger, more complicated issues in the future. If you notice these issues, it’s time to take action.

Reduced Water Pressure: As hard water builds up in your pipes, it creates a blockage. 水必须强行通过一个较小的区域,所以你在水龙头上得到的水压较小.

下水道堵塞: 当水垢在你的排水管中积聚时,你就会遇到相反的问题. It becomes more challenging to get the water out of your home. 下水道里堆积的物质会堵塞水槽和淋浴间.

腐蚀和泄漏: 随着时间的推移,不加检查的水垢实际上会腐蚀你的管道. As they erode, pipes start to break down and develop leaks. 漏水、腐蚀的管道可能造成广泛的水损害,这可能是灾难性的.

Significant 管道 Issues: 当整个家庭依靠硬水运转时,结果可能是毁灭性的. Damage occurs over time and can be sneaky and hard to detect. Widespread hard water 损害 can lead to leaky pipes, 热水器坏了, 损坏的设备, and expensive repair bills.

How to Tackle Limescale Build Up

If the limescale already exists, can anything be done? The answer really comes down to the extent of the problem. 无论何时你在与水垢作战,你都要从收集补给开始. 如果你住在硬水地区,这些应该是你家里的主食.

醋: 一个既便宜又简单的方法就是用醋来分解. 醋可以去除浴缸、瓷砖和玻璃上的水垢.

柠檬汁: 柠檬汁中的酸是一种有效的方法来分解使硬水如此令人沮丧的矿物质. 它对金属表面特别有效,可以让你的水龙头和固定装置闪闪发光.

水垢清洗剂: 你可以使用严重的化学物质来处理特别顽固的硬水积聚. CLR(钙-石灰锈)是一种流行且有效的产品,甚至可以去除最严重的硬水污渍. It can eliminate toilet rings and stuck-on water spots.

If you have a limescale buildup in your drain pipes, 首先把醋和小苏打倒进下水道,用湿抹布盖住. 五分钟后,用沸水把它冲进下水道,它就会变干净. 如有必要,您可以重复此过程,直到您突破水垢堵塞.

如果堵塞持续存在,或者你认为你的补给线有问题, it is time to call in a professional. 水管工有专门的技能,可以解决相当严重的水垢问题. 你应该避免使用刺激性化学品,包括CLR和化学除垢剂在你的管道. 这些化学物质会造成进一步的损害并导致其他问题.

Shift to Preventative Measures

虽然与水垢作斗争似乎是一场不可能的战斗,但事实并非如此. ManBetX指数硬水的事情是,这是一个大问题,解决办法很简单. 通过采取预防措施,你可以避免硬水可能引起的所有潜在的头痛.

Install a Water Softener: 为你的家安装一个水软化系统是你可以做的第一件事,以减轻潜在的水问题. By eliminating the minerals that cause the problems, you won’t ever have to deal with limescale buildup. 通过对系统的初始投资和一些简单的每月维护, 你可以轻松入睡, knowing your water is free of the minerals that cause limescale.

Switch to Modern Pipes: 如果你处在一个可以决定管道材料的情况下, 查看PEX管道. 用于制造PEX的柔性塑料更能抵抗水垢的积聚. While this solution only works in certain situations, 如果你正在更新管道或建造新房,这是一个很好的选择.

Hard water leaves 损害 in its wake. If you are a homeowner in an area with hard water, it is essential to understand the measures you can take. Start with preventative measures. 如果你已经在处理水中矿物质造成的损害, act quickly before the 损害 gets out of control.